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Buying A Home - WebQuest


House Worksheet (0-10 Points)_____
Is the worksheet included?  Does it contain all of the specs. about the house such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms?  Is the price included?  Is the town included? Is a text box included stating why this house was chosen?  Did you use proper grammar, etc.?
Mortgage Worksheet (0-25 Points)_____
Is the worksheet included?  Does it include the name of three banks, three different mortgage rates with three different points, and a comparison for each, a 30-year total payout, etc.?  Is there a text box that describes which mortgage you would take?  Did you use proper grammar, etc.?
Payments Worksheet (0-20)_____
Is the worksheet included?  Is the payment formula displayed?  Did you break down the payment to show principal + interest, insurance, and taxes?  Did you show how you determined each number?
Budget Worksheet (0-25 Points)_____
Is the worksheet included?  Does it contain all of the expenses that were discussed?  Did you update the expenses in a realistic manner?  Did you include savings at 10 percent?  Is a textbox included explaining how you came up with these figures?  Did you use proper grammar, etc.?
Analysis (0-15 Points)_____
Is a worksheet included with a textbox that answers all of the questions from the Project Directions web page?    Did you show a realistic thought process in your analysis?  Were you succinct?  Did you state the benefits and disadvantages of buying a house?  Did you use proper spelling, grammar, etc.?
Follow Directions (0-5 Points)_____
Did you hand in all of your worksheets along with your mortgage and house printouts from the Internet?  Did you hand in additional prinouts from your research such as cable costs?


Total Out of 100 Points:_____

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